Each year the global rate of consumers who rely on smartphones to complete daily tasks continues to increase – with the most significant spikes among U.S. Consumers.
This growing dependence on smartphone usage has caused businesses to modernize their marketing campaigns to include text messaging. Research showed that 90% of consumers in the U.S. prefer receiving business correspondence via text as opposed to direct phone calls.
A study conducted by Asurion, reported the average American adult checks their phone 96 times per day, or every 10 minutes. And with over 62% of all click-through rates traced back to mobile devices, it’s no wonder text marketing has risen as one of the most influential forms of digital marketing today.
At CoCopilotl, our focus is on creating optimal digital experiences for our subscribers.
The Impact of First Impressions
As with any marketing strategy, first impressions can make or break your campaigns. At Launch Control, we emphasize the importance of structuring well-written, conversational content to help optimize the performance of every campaign. The better the message, the more likely it is to spark a dialogue amongst your intended audience. Our done-for-you (DFY) content that gets uploaded directly into your account or blog makes it easy.
Using Merge Fields
Identifiers state your name, company name, and/or the reason for your message. Using identifiers is especially important in text marketing because it lets recipients know who you are in order to be receptive to receiving a message from an unidentified phone number. When you set up your account, our system guides you through this process on day one. Our built-in merge fields make it easy to customize and send messages that pull in your unique identifying information.
When to Send Campaigns
We drafted a guide of Text Marketing Best Practices [internal link], which outlines the best times to send text messages. We suggest sending during approachable time intervals. What qualifies as “approachable”? Specifically, times, when recipients are most likely to read and respond to messages, are what you’re going for. This generally includes during lunch hour, late afternoons, and early evenings.
Related: How to Drive Traffic With DIY Content Marketing
The Power of Personalization
At CoCopilot, we focus on creating personalized messages. Personalization is important because it provides the human-to-human interaction customers expect. Other forms of communication can lack this connection. This is why having the support of a hands-on content automation team is such a powerful engagement tool for your business.
Mindfulness In Content Marketing
Mindfulness is important in text marketing, especially for businesses that rely on data lead sources (lists generated by lead databases) to reach new customers. Using this method to prospect and grow your business means reaching out to contacts that are cold leads through an “initial message.”
With text marketing, the aim is to elicit responses to initial messages because if leads are unresponsive, our guidelines require a 30-day wait before a second initial message can be sent. To optimize your lead data and reduce the timeframe for filling your pipeline with qualified leads, make politeness and empathy a standard practice in your messaging.
Handling Responses
We saved the best for last. Perhaps the most important step to creating a successful text engagement strategy is follow-up. Every time a campaign is executed, a sufficient amount of time needs to be allocated for replying to responders and establishing relationships with leads. This is also how you begin collecting lead data. And using Launch Control’s platform metrics tools, you can filter and tag leads and start pushing them to retargeting campaigns.
Ready to Get Started?
Getting started with content automation for your business using CoCopilot is easy. It’s fine if you have no prior knowledge. Our team of Content Managers will be there to guide you through the process every step of the way. If you’d like to learn more or discuss strategy book a demo with our sales team.